Very moving and lovely, Shannon Karen Powers, Facebook friend of Dave
David, we are continuing to be impressed with your memorial to your Mother. Our association with Rolv Yttrehus (see "Angstwagon" under recordings) goes back to days in Paris (1954-55) when he also was studying with Boulanger; I was the chairman who brought him to RU. He must be lost without Janet. She remained in good mental state until close to the end.
Again, congratulations upon the more than successful remembrance to your Mom. We loved your Mother and she was a great friend to us; we shall always miss her. She and Jeanne phoned each other weekly for years. She was such a good friend with Nancy Day, who unfortunately passed away in 2014; Nancy Day was my administrative assistant at Rutgers (Nancy was also a great friend of your father's as well). You are a great son to your Mother. We all are indebted to you for this lasting tribute. Take care of yourself. Bob Lincoln, friend, chairman: music department, Douglass College, Rutgers University where Sam Walter taught.
Thanks for posting all those wonderful selections sung by your mother! I appreciated listening to the progression of her voice over the years. I have a copy of this unique recording... (Angstwagon) but had never heard the other classical recordings...they were absolutely gorgeous! Pam Shyrock, niece
The Central N.J. Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota brought Janet and me together in 1981 when I joined the chapter. For years, Janet and I spent many a Sunday afternoon together going to chapter meetings. This gave us a chance to talk and talk about our lives both musically and as friends. Along with Alice Berman, we also had many lunches over the years, mostly at Olive Garden. I feel a deep loss with Janet passing away. She was always so warm and loving. She was always interested in what was going on in my life, my family and especially my son, George. Last Saturday was our last chapter meeting of this year, and it was even more special as it was on Janet's birthday. I was so looking forward to hearing a recording of her singing, and the memorial came onto the computer when we were still at our meeting. This was my first chance to ever hear her sing. I have to say what a beautiful voice she had. Janet, I will always have you in my heart. I will never forget you. My heart goes out to you, David, on the loss of your mother. She gave you your musical talent and your love for music. She must have been so proud of you and all you have accomplished in your life. Please keep in touch.
With love and roses to Janet,
Jeanne (Nimmo), friend and SAI sorority sister
Dear Dave,
I just spent quite a while on the Memorial. You did a superb job putting it all together. It is really a treasure for all of us to keep. Looking at the pictures, reading the memories and listening to her beautiful, beautiful voice, it is almost as if Janet is still with us. You did your mother proud.
You had such a wonderful mother. I did, too. I just wish that they could have been with us forever.
Just like Janet, you have become my friend.
Thinking of you always,
Jeanne, friend and SAI sorority sister
Dear David, I learned yesterday from Mary Ann Tu and Bob Lincoln that your dear mother has passed away. She and I sang together on occasion - I remember that we sang the Mozart Serenaden for Three trebles and Three Bassett Horns on a number of occasions. After retirement, she and Daphne Powell and Nancy Schuman and Jan Harvey and I enjoyed assembling for laugh-laden ladies' lunches when our schedules allowed. Happy Days. And you were Papageno in one of our first Opera Scenes Program at Rutgers in your earliest days as a singer, on your way to becoming the multi-faceted musician you are today. Your dear dad and I many times played and sang together - but more amazingly, as I was attempting to launch the Rutgers Opera, He actually donated his accompaniment willingly, trudging in at 8am on occasion to play for the young "screech owls" (Bob Lincoln's word, not mine). He was so generous and kind. I believe "Wolf" was your family dog, whom I got to know in summer at Colby College. I think of you now with such warm thoughts, for I know that the losses you have endured have been preceded by your mother's love and support. Janet was so very proud of you.
Valorie Goodall, friend, fellow soprano and voice teacher
Listening again today to my mother's recordings: I am overwhelmed by her talent always have been, always will be.
David Walther, son
Dear Dave, Thank you for providing this forum for us and most especially for the recordings of your Mother. She certainly had a most marvelously beautiful voice.
I have a lot of very fond memories of Janet from the times when we had traveled down to NJ together and stayed as a guest in her home. Your Mother had a truly generous spirit and was most kind and thoughtful during our visits. I think she enjoyed being a hostess and did her very best to make all of her guests feel welcome in her lovely home. She always tried so very hard to make everything just "perfect"...
Janet was very proud of you, Dave and I still remember how much she loved her "dearie" (namely you). You both shared a great love of classical music and as a fellow singer and composer you, and Janet, and Rolv enjoyed "talking shop". I still recollect your Mother's sparkling sapphire blue eyes which were so piercing and full of warmth and intelligence.
Thank you once again Dave for creating this loving and lovely tribute to your Mother and letting us share our thoughts and feeling with you. Your Mother was a truly unforgettable lady. She will be missed. In love and friendship,
Dan Kelly, longtime friend of Dave (mostly) but also Drew, Janet and RolvValorie Goodall
Now I have had the pleasure of reading these happy remembrances and warm tributes. David, you have done a beautiful job of this. Thanks to you and BRAVO. Valorie Goodall, fellow voice teacher, soprano, and longtime friend
Great job. It was wonderful to hear her singing and the tributes were wonderful. I know how hard you worked on it and it really is special. Love Char, Charlotte Regni Lord, longtime friend (see Recordings: 5. Postlude)
Hi David,
The website is terrific! I so enjoyed pouring over the music, the words, and the photos. And I was thrilled to see the photo of Janet in her flowery shirt (the very outfit I mentioned in my tribute). That picture might have been taken the very day that my mom and I last saw her.
Anyway, congratulations on a lovely memorial to your mother. What a nice way to remember her!
Love, Marissa, Marisa Regni, long time friend (see Recordings: 1. Prelude)
We were inspired by the beautiful, vibrant voice of your mother and enjoyed the variety of pieces on the memorial website. Allegro was a wonderful tribute and was especially inspirational to Derek. Janet was a blessing to all of us who knew her and had the opportunity to hear her sing. Thank you for sharing her music with us today!
Love, Sylvia, John & Derek Lehn, niece, nephew-in-law, and great nephew
David - What a beautiful idea! Happy Birthday celebration to your mom. I'm working at the house today and have a show tonight - but I will look at the site when I get home. Much love, Lewis Wheeler, nephew
David, what a wonderful tribute to your mother. I always enjoyed our phone relationship so much and I always looked forward to her call. I thought she was such a special person. I enjoyed reading about her today. Thank you so much for sharing her!
Deane Hall, financial adviser
David, The memorial site is truly touching! What beautiful memories! Cristal Garcia Case Manager Griswold Home Care
When I was growing up in Belmont, my memories of Cousin Janet were all about the joy and openness of Gloucester – the house and the family. Janet welcomed you to her beautiful summer home, offered you wonderful meals, and set you free to enjoy the home and the vista any way you wanted.
Jo and I visited Janet and Rolv often. They especially liked going to The Frog and The Peach in New Brunswick, with its unusual menu and fantastic food. Janet also took special delight in taking us to lunch at the Rutgers Club. Our conversations were lively and many times included politics from a shared perspective. We always enjoyed our times with them.
She was such a loving and giving person, always asking about my three daughters. She called my Mother often. She and Rolv were blessed to have each other. He was a caring companion and a real friend who always let Janet be herself.
She was a beautiful woman. She was always so happy to see us and she always made us feel special.
Brad and Jo Lewis, cousin/cousin-in-law;
Love you, miss her! Ann Herrick, childhood friend, daughter of Helen and Bruce: he was a student of my father, Sam
Remembering Janet with love especially today, missing her calling me "Deary", and wishing her a happy birthday. I knew Janet as one of my mom's closest friends and neighbors. Both had roots in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Douglass College and music, and their children became life-long friends. I so enjoyed learning more about her in this beautiful tribute and listening to her magnificent voice (yours too, David!). What comes to mind now are all the glorious days of splendor hanging out by her pool: Janet, my mom (Lily Tu), my daughter (Haley, then an infant) and myself. It was a wonderful time of life, family and friendship. I will always remember Janet with great fondness and be grateful to have known such a gracious, caring human being. Peace and hope.Thinking of you, David.
Bunny Gittleman, friend, brought a scrumptious chocolate pecan pie when Janet moved to higher realms.
I found the memorial and I must say that you did a splendid job; we had no idea about so many facets of your Mom's life. She was such a darling person and you have done an absolutely marvelous piece of work. We are so interested in the project and so pleased that it came out so brilliantly. Congratulations, she would be thrilled with your work.
Bob Lincoln, friend
Such a beautiful person you are happy to have u as a fb friend....thank u for update, Betty Hayed, Facebook friend of Dave
David, this was such a touching memorial to your mom! She was a very special person. Lisa McNaughton, Rolv's niece; my friend.
I have many memories of my Aunt Janet- visits in New Jersey and especially in the summer at Gloucester as a child. Our families enjoyed seeing each other on holidays; Janet was always a gracious host, and of course Sam would have us laughing with antics on the piano. Peggy and I will always remember Janet singing a beautiful rendition of Ava Maria at our wedding, accompanied by Dave on the piano. The web site is a lovely tribute; may she rest in peace.-- Mark Walter (nephew)
SO PROUD OF YOU DAVID. THIS IS SO RIGHT... Tommie Brown Davenport, Facebook friend of Dave
David, when I knew your mother, I was a kid and so to me she was not a part of my immediate reality...nor was I part of hers, except probably as something of a bother. My mother really loved her; I do remember her smile very clearly. I remember the house in Nahant, or as Daddy pronounced it, to be silly, "Nanh-hanh". I remember the kitchen, the living room, and of course the beach. I remember the NY apartment, where I stayed when I auditioned for Juilliard. Your mother got me an accompanist for that audition and I had no idea how esteemed the guy was until years later. Wow. I also don't remember seeing a lot of you. Am I wrong? I wandered around in a sort of unfocused way as a kid and actually have remained like that through my adulthood. So I tell people quote seriously that I have a self-cleaning brain. Your mom was a wonderful musician and a good friend to my parents.
Emily Faxon Gallo, daughter of Janet's choir director, George Faxon, and composer Nancy Plumber Faxon; She also sent a lovely card. Walter and I are almost exact contemporaries , so it makes sense that Emily (and Penni) would have fewer memories of me. However, a self-cleaning brain sounds like it could often be a wonderful thing! It all depends on the material being forgotten... it could save one hours... or even years of heart break and therapy! Best wishes, Dave.
Sorry I had no stories or photos of your Mom. She was a really nice lady.
Hope you and your guy and everyone, etc. are well.
~Walter Faxon, childhood friend and co-lurker
Thinking of wonderful Mrs. Walter on her day of memorial and her birthday - she was an extraordinary presence in life and now in memory. She will be forever there for me. How lucky I was to have her in my world growing up and into adulthood. I consider this one of the great blessings of my life.
Below I post my message to you, David, on learning of the loss of your mother. I look forward to seeing the website you are creating for your mother and will be there once it is live to pay my respects again.
Love, Haig
How sad it makes me to receive this news about your mother. Reading your message prompted a flood of memories that warm my heart. Mrs. Walter was a HUGE part of my childhood and young adulthood and contributed so much to the inherent and deep-seated sense of happiness and well-being that those years left with me. She had an absolutely regal presence, not based on any (justifiable) pretension about her family and personal accomplishments, but reflecting her remarkable intrinsic grace and human stature that set her apart from others. She always wanted me to call her Janet, but I never obliged her. You just don't call a royal by her first name. Impossible for me.
I can still hear her calling out to me - "dearie," and knowing even then, as now, how authentic that term of endearment was. Whether in your apartment on 112th street, your house in New Brunswick or during my wonderful visits to Gloucester every summer, she treated me with loving care and great generosity, as if I was your brother, not a friend. And in so doing, she helped make that our reality in those wonderful years. The older I get, the more I appreciate that special time. Literally everything good in my life has its origins in what I that larger circle of family that defined those formative years we spent together. I cherish the memory of them and of the great people we were blessed to have as parents and teachers.
I very much want to be at your mother's Memorial wherever it is. I continue to travel all the time for my work. Please let me know as soon as you have a date so I can block my calendar from any appointments. I will be joined by my wife, Thelma, who has heard so much about your mother and wants to pay her respects. I have told her so much about our friendship and how close our families were. She is so eager to meet you as well.
Please convey my condolences to Rolf and to Drew.
Haig (Nalbantian) longtime friend
Thank you for including my message on her site, David. I look forward to seeing the site once it's up and learning new things still about your mother. I am in London now and was thinkng about our wonderful trip to the UK and France back in the early 70s, the two of us and our mothers. After our stay in Cambridge, your mom drove us all up into the lake district. What an experience that was! I can see her now. Always adventurous, always ready to get up and go, to experience new things. Like my own mother, she had boundless energy and verve. She was never deterred by distance, inconvenience, fatigue. Just remarkable. We all benefitted from those qualities on this magnificent trip, still a vivid memory after more than 40 years. Anyway, I just wanted to send a few very warm memories from London and let you know that your mom is in my thoughts. Haig (Nalbantian) longtime friend
David, we are continuing to be impressed with your memorial to your Mother. Our association with Rolv Yttrehus (see "Angstwagon" under recordings) goes back to days in Paris (1954-55) when he also was studying with Boulanger; I was the chairman who brought him to RU. He must be lost without Janet. She remained in good mental state until close to the end.
Again, congratulations upon the more than successful remembrance to your Mom. We loved your Mother and she was a great friend to us; we shall always miss her. She and Jeanne phoned each other weekly for years. She was such a good friend with Nancy Day, who unfortunately passed away in 2014; Nancy Day was my administrative assistant at Rutgers (Nancy was also a great friend of your father's as well). You are a great son to your Mother. We all are indebted to you for this lasting tribute. Take care of yourself. Bob Lincoln, friend, chairman: music department, Douglass College, Rutgers University where Sam Walter taught.
Thanks for posting all those wonderful selections sung by your mother! I appreciated listening to the progression of her voice over the years. I have a copy of this unique recording... (Angstwagon) but had never heard the other classical recordings...they were absolutely gorgeous! Pam Shyrock, niece
The Central N.J. Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota brought Janet and me together in 1981 when I joined the chapter. For years, Janet and I spent many a Sunday afternoon together going to chapter meetings. This gave us a chance to talk and talk about our lives both musically and as friends. Along with Alice Berman, we also had many lunches over the years, mostly at Olive Garden. I feel a deep loss with Janet passing away. She was always so warm and loving. She was always interested in what was going on in my life, my family and especially my son, George. Last Saturday was our last chapter meeting of this year, and it was even more special as it was on Janet's birthday. I was so looking forward to hearing a recording of her singing, and the memorial came onto the computer when we were still at our meeting. This was my first chance to ever hear her sing. I have to say what a beautiful voice she had. Janet, I will always have you in my heart. I will never forget you. My heart goes out to you, David, on the loss of your mother. She gave you your musical talent and your love for music. She must have been so proud of you and all you have accomplished in your life. Please keep in touch.
With love and roses to Janet,
Jeanne (Nimmo), friend and SAI sorority sister
Dear Dave,
I just spent quite a while on the Memorial. You did a superb job putting it all together. It is really a treasure for all of us to keep. Looking at the pictures, reading the memories and listening to her beautiful, beautiful voice, it is almost as if Janet is still with us. You did your mother proud.
You had such a wonderful mother. I did, too. I just wish that they could have been with us forever.
Just like Janet, you have become my friend.
Thinking of you always,
Jeanne, friend and SAI sorority sister
Dear David, I learned yesterday from Mary Ann Tu and Bob Lincoln that your dear mother has passed away. She and I sang together on occasion - I remember that we sang the Mozart Serenaden for Three trebles and Three Bassett Horns on a number of occasions. After retirement, she and Daphne Powell and Nancy Schuman and Jan Harvey and I enjoyed assembling for laugh-laden ladies' lunches when our schedules allowed. Happy Days. And you were Papageno in one of our first Opera Scenes Program at Rutgers in your earliest days as a singer, on your way to becoming the multi-faceted musician you are today. Your dear dad and I many times played and sang together - but more amazingly, as I was attempting to launch the Rutgers Opera, He actually donated his accompaniment willingly, trudging in at 8am on occasion to play for the young "screech owls" (Bob Lincoln's word, not mine). He was so generous and kind. I believe "Wolf" was your family dog, whom I got to know in summer at Colby College. I think of you now with such warm thoughts, for I know that the losses you have endured have been preceded by your mother's love and support. Janet was so very proud of you.
Valorie Goodall, friend, fellow soprano and voice teacher
Listening again today to my mother's recordings: I am overwhelmed by her talent always have been, always will be.
David Walther, son
Dear Dave, Thank you for providing this forum for us and most especially for the recordings of your Mother. She certainly had a most marvelously beautiful voice.
I have a lot of very fond memories of Janet from the times when we had traveled down to NJ together and stayed as a guest in her home. Your Mother had a truly generous spirit and was most kind and thoughtful during our visits. I think she enjoyed being a hostess and did her very best to make all of her guests feel welcome in her lovely home. She always tried so very hard to make everything just "perfect"...
Janet was very proud of you, Dave and I still remember how much she loved her "dearie" (namely you). You both shared a great love of classical music and as a fellow singer and composer you, and Janet, and Rolv enjoyed "talking shop". I still recollect your Mother's sparkling sapphire blue eyes which were so piercing and full of warmth and intelligence.
Thank you once again Dave for creating this loving and lovely tribute to your Mother and letting us share our thoughts and feeling with you. Your Mother was a truly unforgettable lady. She will be missed. In love and friendship,
Dan Kelly, longtime friend of Dave (mostly) but also Drew, Janet and RolvValorie Goodall
Now I have had the pleasure of reading these happy remembrances and warm tributes. David, you have done a beautiful job of this. Thanks to you and BRAVO. Valorie Goodall, fellow voice teacher, soprano, and longtime friend
Great job. It was wonderful to hear her singing and the tributes were wonderful. I know how hard you worked on it and it really is special. Love Char, Charlotte Regni Lord, longtime friend (see Recordings: 5. Postlude)
Hi David,
The website is terrific! I so enjoyed pouring over the music, the words, and the photos. And I was thrilled to see the photo of Janet in her flowery shirt (the very outfit I mentioned in my tribute). That picture might have been taken the very day that my mom and I last saw her.
Anyway, congratulations on a lovely memorial to your mother. What a nice way to remember her!
Love, Marissa, Marisa Regni, long time friend (see Recordings: 1. Prelude)
We were inspired by the beautiful, vibrant voice of your mother and enjoyed the variety of pieces on the memorial website. Allegro was a wonderful tribute and was especially inspirational to Derek. Janet was a blessing to all of us who knew her and had the opportunity to hear her sing. Thank you for sharing her music with us today!
Love, Sylvia, John & Derek Lehn, niece, nephew-in-law, and great nephew
David - What a beautiful idea! Happy Birthday celebration to your mom. I'm working at the house today and have a show tonight - but I will look at the site when I get home. Much love, Lewis Wheeler, nephew
David, what a wonderful tribute to your mother. I always enjoyed our phone relationship so much and I always looked forward to her call. I thought she was such a special person. I enjoyed reading about her today. Thank you so much for sharing her!
Deane Hall, financial adviser
David, The memorial site is truly touching! What beautiful memories! Cristal Garcia Case Manager Griswold Home Care
When I was growing up in Belmont, my memories of Cousin Janet were all about the joy and openness of Gloucester – the house and the family. Janet welcomed you to her beautiful summer home, offered you wonderful meals, and set you free to enjoy the home and the vista any way you wanted.
Jo and I visited Janet and Rolv often. They especially liked going to The Frog and The Peach in New Brunswick, with its unusual menu and fantastic food. Janet also took special delight in taking us to lunch at the Rutgers Club. Our conversations were lively and many times included politics from a shared perspective. We always enjoyed our times with them.
She was such a loving and giving person, always asking about my three daughters. She called my Mother often. She and Rolv were blessed to have each other. He was a caring companion and a real friend who always let Janet be herself.
She was a beautiful woman. She was always so happy to see us and she always made us feel special.
Brad and Jo Lewis, cousin/cousin-in-law;
Love you, miss her! Ann Herrick, childhood friend, daughter of Helen and Bruce: he was a student of my father, Sam
Remembering Janet with love especially today, missing her calling me "Deary", and wishing her a happy birthday. I knew Janet as one of my mom's closest friends and neighbors. Both had roots in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Douglass College and music, and their children became life-long friends. I so enjoyed learning more about her in this beautiful tribute and listening to her magnificent voice (yours too, David!). What comes to mind now are all the glorious days of splendor hanging out by her pool: Janet, my mom (Lily Tu), my daughter (Haley, then an infant) and myself. It was a wonderful time of life, family and friendship. I will always remember Janet with great fondness and be grateful to have known such a gracious, caring human being. Peace and hope.Thinking of you, David.
Bunny Gittleman, friend, brought a scrumptious chocolate pecan pie when Janet moved to higher realms.
I found the memorial and I must say that you did a splendid job; we had no idea about so many facets of your Mom's life. She was such a darling person and you have done an absolutely marvelous piece of work. We are so interested in the project and so pleased that it came out so brilliantly. Congratulations, she would be thrilled with your work.
Bob Lincoln, friend
Such a beautiful person you are happy to have u as a fb friend....thank u for update, Betty Hayed, Facebook friend of Dave
David, this was such a touching memorial to your mom! She was a very special person. Lisa McNaughton, Rolv's niece; my friend.
I have many memories of my Aunt Janet- visits in New Jersey and especially in the summer at Gloucester as a child. Our families enjoyed seeing each other on holidays; Janet was always a gracious host, and of course Sam would have us laughing with antics on the piano. Peggy and I will always remember Janet singing a beautiful rendition of Ava Maria at our wedding, accompanied by Dave on the piano. The web site is a lovely tribute; may she rest in peace.-- Mark Walter (nephew)
SO PROUD OF YOU DAVID. THIS IS SO RIGHT... Tommie Brown Davenport, Facebook friend of Dave
David, when I knew your mother, I was a kid and so to me she was not a part of my immediate reality...nor was I part of hers, except probably as something of a bother. My mother really loved her; I do remember her smile very clearly. I remember the house in Nahant, or as Daddy pronounced it, to be silly, "Nanh-hanh". I remember the kitchen, the living room, and of course the beach. I remember the NY apartment, where I stayed when I auditioned for Juilliard. Your mother got me an accompanist for that audition and I had no idea how esteemed the guy was until years later. Wow. I also don't remember seeing a lot of you. Am I wrong? I wandered around in a sort of unfocused way as a kid and actually have remained like that through my adulthood. So I tell people quote seriously that I have a self-cleaning brain. Your mom was a wonderful musician and a good friend to my parents.
Emily Faxon Gallo, daughter of Janet's choir director, George Faxon, and composer Nancy Plumber Faxon; She also sent a lovely card. Walter and I are almost exact contemporaries , so it makes sense that Emily (and Penni) would have fewer memories of me. However, a self-cleaning brain sounds like it could often be a wonderful thing! It all depends on the material being forgotten... it could save one hours... or even years of heart break and therapy! Best wishes, Dave.
Sorry I had no stories or photos of your Mom. She was a really nice lady.
Hope you and your guy and everyone, etc. are well.
~Walter Faxon, childhood friend and co-lurker
Thinking of wonderful Mrs. Walter on her day of memorial and her birthday - she was an extraordinary presence in life and now in memory. She will be forever there for me. How lucky I was to have her in my world growing up and into adulthood. I consider this one of the great blessings of my life.
Below I post my message to you, David, on learning of the loss of your mother. I look forward to seeing the website you are creating for your mother and will be there once it is live to pay my respects again.
Love, Haig
How sad it makes me to receive this news about your mother. Reading your message prompted a flood of memories that warm my heart. Mrs. Walter was a HUGE part of my childhood and young adulthood and contributed so much to the inherent and deep-seated sense of happiness and well-being that those years left with me. She had an absolutely regal presence, not based on any (justifiable) pretension about her family and personal accomplishments, but reflecting her remarkable intrinsic grace and human stature that set her apart from others. She always wanted me to call her Janet, but I never obliged her. You just don't call a royal by her first name. Impossible for me.
I can still hear her calling out to me - "dearie," and knowing even then, as now, how authentic that term of endearment was. Whether in your apartment on 112th street, your house in New Brunswick or during my wonderful visits to Gloucester every summer, she treated me with loving care and great generosity, as if I was your brother, not a friend. And in so doing, she helped make that our reality in those wonderful years. The older I get, the more I appreciate that special time. Literally everything good in my life has its origins in what I that larger circle of family that defined those formative years we spent together. I cherish the memory of them and of the great people we were blessed to have as parents and teachers.
I very much want to be at your mother's Memorial wherever it is. I continue to travel all the time for my work. Please let me know as soon as you have a date so I can block my calendar from any appointments. I will be joined by my wife, Thelma, who has heard so much about your mother and wants to pay her respects. I have told her so much about our friendship and how close our families were. She is so eager to meet you as well.
Please convey my condolences to Rolf and to Drew.
Haig (Nalbantian) longtime friend
Thank you for including my message on her site, David. I look forward to seeing the site once it's up and learning new things still about your mother. I am in London now and was thinkng about our wonderful trip to the UK and France back in the early 70s, the two of us and our mothers. After our stay in Cambridge, your mom drove us all up into the lake district. What an experience that was! I can see her now. Always adventurous, always ready to get up and go, to experience new things. Like my own mother, she had boundless energy and verve. She was never deterred by distance, inconvenience, fatigue. Just remarkable. We all benefitted from those qualities on this magnificent trip, still a vivid memory after more than 40 years. Anyway, I just wanted to send a few very warm memories from London and let you know that your mom is in my thoughts. Haig (Nalbantian) longtime friend
Facebook likes and loves on my Facebook page: David Walther, friend and son (loved it!)
also: Janet Leung, Rosaura Coyotzi, Chrichi Soprano, Honey Dalton, Jane Burns Thomas, Nisa Bhargarva, Elsenda Eli
- Close Friend (loved it!)
Melissa Hubbard, friend and sister-in-law
2 mutual friends (father-in-law and husband!) - Close Friend (loved it!)
Carol Millard, close friend and continual collaborator: see
5 mutual friends - FriendFriends
Mardi Ellen long time friend, voice student of Janet; see "Memories"
14 mutual friends - FriendFriends (loved it!)
Mar Barreto
2 mutual friends - FriendFriends
Jadwiga Sliwa
17 mutual friends - FriendFriends
Itsushi-Thomas Gamoh
3 mutual friends - FriendFriends
ยี่โถ อากิญจัญญายตนะ เนวสัญญานาสัญญายตนะ ปราบเซียน
1 mutual friend - FriendFriends
Marysia Marysia
2 mutual friendsFriendFriends - Gordon Francis Blaney Jr.
2 mutual friends - FriendFriends
Betty Hayed see comments above - FriendFriends
Josephine Cumming
7 mutual friends - FriendFriends
Branka Milosavljevic - FriendFriends
AL Alan Flynn - FriendFriends
Marshall Thomas - FriendFriends
Markus Wachel
1 mutual friend - FriendFriends
Ribelyn Duran
1 mutual friend - FriendFriends
Quim Ferrer
3 mutual friends - FriendFriends
Tsvetana Omelchuk
1 mutual friend - FriendFriends
Patricia Lopez - FriendFriends
Sam Carranza - FriendFriends
Darrell Whiteside
1 mutual friend - FriendFriends
Patrice Tiedemann
19 mutual friends - FriendFriends
Marilyn Harte
2 mutual friends - FriendFriends
Gonzales Ito Iwasaki - FriendFriends Jim Spellman (long time friend and collaboarar) 1 mutual friend
- FriendFriends (loved it!)
Birgit Kollep
3 mutual friends - FriendFriends
Laurence Labbé
2 mutual friends - FriendFriends
Δομνίκη Αποστόλου
1 mutual friend - FriendFriends
Claudine Barbry
2 mutual friends - FriendFriends
Harvey Burgett long time friend, office-mate at B. U. as T. A.s
5 mutual friends - FriendFriends
Teresa Brady - FriendFriends (loved it!)
Tommie Brown Davenport
- FriendFriends
Susan Marks Adams New friend of mine, longtime friend and co-worker of Drew
1 mutual friend - FriendFriends
Jarka Bláhová
3 mutual friends - FriendFriends
Leri-levan Gigauri
2 mutual friends - FriendFriends
ศิรินาฏ อัปมาไห นุชสรา พรามณี
1 mutual friend - FriendFriends
James Grant 2 mutual friends
- FriendFriends
John Lehn, Dave's cousin-in-law.
4 mutual friends - FriendFriends
- Dennis Gordon
1 mutual friend - FriendFriends
- Denise Harris
1 mutual friend - FriendFriends
Danielle Smith long time Facebook friend
1 mutual friend - FriendFriends
Sarah Smith long time Facebook friend
1 mutual friend - FriendFriends Nedret Bilgez Ekinciler 9 mutual friend
- Close FriendFriends Bob Hubbard father-in-law #1 1 mutual friend
- FriendFriends Drew Hubbard husband 8 mutual friends (loved it!)