With all humility, I am proud to call myself a fighter for civil rights. Not that I am great... but that the cause itself is great. There is not, nor has there ever been, a "gay agenda." There is only a civil rights agenda.... It doesn't matter which group is disenfranchised; we must all come together to work for justice and peace. Blessed be, to all who work towards the greater good. My heart is with you always!
As a vegetarian for my whole adult life, I have fought against cruelty to non-humans; as a third degree Wiccan, a Spiritualist,& Unitarian Universalist, I have fought against religious intolerance; and as a proud gay non-binary homo sapien, I have supported the vast rainbow that is our species. My pronouns are: ze, zis, zim.
I have been (legally) married to Drew Hubbard since 2005. Drew is a human-like entity; like me, a non-binary gay man; as well as a digital artist who's work graces thes pages, and a long time clinical therapist.
In spite of my failures as a drag queen, (see the bottom of this page), I have written quite a few pieces that do explore the topic. My first selection below is an example. So get your cops ready, Ron-da Santa-claws: we're going into the deep end of the pool!
As a vegetarian for my whole adult life, I have fought against cruelty to non-humans; as a third degree Wiccan, a Spiritualist,& Unitarian Universalist, I have fought against religious intolerance; and as a proud gay non-binary homo sapien, I have supported the vast rainbow that is our species. My pronouns are: ze, zis, zim.
I have been (legally) married to Drew Hubbard since 2005. Drew is a human-like entity; like me, a non-binary gay man; as well as a digital artist who's work graces thes pages, and a long time clinical therapist.
In spite of my failures as a drag queen, (see the bottom of this page), I have written quite a few pieces that do explore the topic. My first selection below is an example. So get your cops ready, Ron-da Santa-claws: we're going into the deep end of the pool!
Music Theater: Most of my pop songs are very easy to perform, and the keys (and genders for that matter) can be changed at will. As is the case with Cinyfella, there is often a complex, optional ensemble at the end but it can easily be modified,
About half are appropriate for children; the other half are for, shall we say, a more "late night" crowd. Many of them deal with LGBTQAI+++ issues. To see a complete list of my available music theater works please click on one of the dancers to the right: Cindyfella: A Pan-Gender Drag Costume Drama; written with my husband, Drew Hubbard; one hour in 13 numbers; 5 singers and piano, with optional chorus. Please click on Drew's picture to the right to read the libretto and score. |
Complete list of my available
Music Theater Works! Drew Hubbard, co-author
Off Nights at The Sometimes Café: A Sex Mystery wthe story of a bar were everyont is accepted: who is male, who is female who is gaywho is straight? That is the start of the mystery.It was cablecast on BNN-TV in Boston without incident. To see Off Nights please click on any of the performers to the right:
Gaynocchio is a parody of my music theater ballet Pinocchio
as performed by The Marblehead Ballet. I wrote new narrations for a very annoying cricket, as a voice-over for the original production. Please click on one of the donkeys to watch (and hear) Gaynocchio: Phone Sex was first shown
on BNN-TV, where it faced censorship, and as a result, was included in a program of censored works at The Mobius Theater in Boston. To see (and hear) Phone Sex please click on the Button to to the right. You must be 18 years or older to visit this site. Confessions of a Fat Slut: chronicles two of the large men (Harold & Paul) loved by a gay man named Tommy. It was cablecast on BNN-TV & shown very informally at The Boston Ramrod, please click on Harold's mother (top right) to watch the story of Tommy & Harold. To the right (bottom) please click on Paul or Tommy to see the story of their love: |
Off Nights at The Sometimes Café: A Sex Mystery
Please click on one of the donkies
to watch (and hear) Gaynocchio. Please click to see and hear "Phone Sex"
if you are over 18 Part I: Harold
Part II: Paul
Operas: Edward II (about the love of a gay king for another man) To hear all of Edward II, please click on Christopher Marlowe's picture
to the right. Hamlet (about the love of a gay prince for another man); King Lear (has issues with his trans daughter; & Gloucester with her gay son); The Balcony by Jean Genet (disects all of society). Choral Music: Allegory with music from my St. Mark Passion, written when I was 17 years old. The video dramatizes a theory proposed by Edmund S. Bourdeaux in "The Death of Pan", That Jesus was a militant rebel who tried to take over the governent. I don't believe this now... I beleive that there is no factual evidence to support the story at all. But, as told, Jesus is a gay man. It caused only minor disturbances when shown... mostly because it showed two men kissing! Please click on Jesus, or John (the disciple whom he loved) to the right to watch Allegory, comlete with the kiss: Symphony/ballets: Clover Cires (my fellow members of the Fag Rag Collective imprisoned for "love that cannot speak its name" & rescued by a lover in drag (masquerading as a nun); The Great Liberator (a woman is captured by the collector, she is freed when she find the memory of a wild woman whom she had met, and they live happily ever after.) Ample Make This Bed, is a cantata/ ballet about a couple dealing with A. I. D. S. To view all of my dance works, please click on the Blue Fairy to the right: The Journey a is another cantata/ ballet, this time with poems by James Joyce, and original narrations. It is about a man who has to go to an alternate universe in order to destroy "The Beast." As a gay man, ze would be killed immediately, so ze becomes a woman. In the alternate realm ze finds the love of his life. And after defeating "The Beast" the two women return to the original universe as gay men to continue their love. The overture was danced by The Kinetic Dance Theatre of Moscow. Please click on the trans-forming being to the right to hear the overture, and selections from The Journey. Crazy Dinosaurs: featered in "Bay Windows" and "The Advocate" (with a full page picture & article). Crazy Dinosaurs also won an honorable mention in Hometown USA Film and Video Contest. An article was also published in South End News (cover story with photo). Please click on Emily Brontosaurus or Peter A. Dactyl to the right to see Crazy Dinosaurs: Fag Rag Magazine: under the name Tiresias, I was on the editorial board for editions 25 & 26, with Clover Cires, Maya Silverthorne, Shannon Austin, Mike Riegal, John Mitzel & of course, the founder, Charley Shively. Fag Rag printed one of my short stories with an erotic "stained glass window" cenerfold in Fag Rag 26, as well as erotic poems & artwork, including the cover of Fag Rag No. 25. Please click on the image of my "front cover" to read an article about The Fag Rag Collective. |
Christopher Marlow, playwright
Allegory, Crusifixion: John (left) & Jesus (right)
Works for Dance
score & excerpts from "The Journey"
Crazy Dianosaurs
My cover design for Fag Rag No. 25;
please click for an article about Fag Rag. |
BLOG: My first activist event happened when I was about
5 years old. I saw a terrifying news item about the horrible animal experimentation called vivisection. I wrote a letter to the mayor of NYC. I told him that if this practice didn't stop, I would personally commit suicide. I later found out that my mother had enclosed a note saying that she would make sure that I didn't.
As a child I loved cross dressing. My father had a vist from a fellow choir director, I modeled a lovely golden bathrobe that belonged to my mother. I asked my father's friend: "Isn't this beautiful? He replied that it was. I asked: "don't I look just like The Virgin Mary?" He relied:"Maybe when she was pregnant." I was not a tiny child and the fact is, I wanted to be a girl.
Other than my extremely abortive attempt to video Edward II as a one person (me) show, as an adult, I have only appeared twice in drag. On the first occassion, I borrowed my aunt's tiny blue jean skirt to go to a Fag Rag meeting (at least it was tiny on me). My second foray was a screening of Rocky Horror Picture Show. My hefty 18 year old boyfriend wore a very tasteful blue dress & cowboy boots. (He was very cold that evening. How do fems do it?) I wore patriotic red, white & blue waterproof pants; some sort of weird head gear & stuffed my shirt to make artifical breasts. (What was I thinking?) In the lobby, I was confronted by a very straight cis-male attendant. He was probably looking for something that might be hurled through the air at the movie screen: knives, candles & rolls of toilet paper are traditional. He looked me up & down, & squeezed me on both artifical breasts; whereupon I burst out laughing!