"After Beckett" performed by Michael Romanul, 'cello with Music Now, music by David Edgar Walther. This piece was also heard on WCRB radio. This week we have been posting the first two of a four part work by Caldara. We have discontinued this piece with apologies to the new music groups. "A Game of Cards" is not listed among the over 3.500 pieces by Antonio Caldara. There is only one edition from the 1960s of this piece, and it isn't very good. It is possible that Caldara didn't write it. The famed accompanist, Allen Rodgers, allowed us to use his new English translation in our production and I highly extensively edited the piece. So one could argue that it is "new" music. I believe that this 'cello piece fits the bill better. You can still hear the rest of the Caldara on my website under "Daily Post: 8/7 & 8/8 Caldara or on my FB page. In the future I will only submit "new" music on this group; that is to say, music written in the last hundred or so years.